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‘LIPHOOK, the Coaching Stop that Grew’ 

Our 64 page display which has previously been on show at The Rural Life Centre, Tilford, is now  on  permanent display  in The Liphook Heritage Centre.

It features various aspects of the village through more than 500 years of History, including

The local  manors, the development of the roads, the London to Portsmouth  coaching  trade, the expansion of the village,  the arrival of the railway , the history of its’ churches, the Royal Anchor, the Green Dragon, its’ shops, its’ societies and  voluntary organisations.

 100th Anniversary of World War 1

The 100th Anniversary of World War 1 features the stories of local men who fought and lost their lives in the Great War, and of those who survived.    

It  showcases Regiments which passed through the village on their way to France and those whose regiments encamped here using Bramshott as their permanent base, including the presence of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces at Bramshott Camp.

It covers the impact of the war on the district of Bramshott & Liphook  against a background of National events.

Featuring local people and their involvement in the wider aspects of the War, many personal belongings and original documents and papers have been brought into the Heritage Centre by residents of Liphook and District, including medals, lovingly saved.

A series of postcards produced locally for soldiers to send to their loved ones have been loaned , some showing messages sent home.

Originals and many copies of originals are on show.

The WW 1 Exhibition has been made possible with the aid of grants given by Hampshire County Council and East Hants District Council.


 Past Exhibitions re-positioned in our ‘Down Memory Lane’ board.

Flora Thompson       The ‘Rex Cinema’
Seven Thorns           D Day World War 
Berg Estate            Tweenways
 Liphook Post Office
 Bramshott Court
 Anne Bowen short biography

The information from these display can still be accessed at any time by visiting The Heritage Centre